James Chang

Entrepreneur, builder, angel investor

Hey, I'm James.

I live in Manhattan, New York City.

I grew up in New Jersey and Westchester County, New York.

I went to NYU (Class of '14), where I majored in Finance, Statistics, and minored in Computer Science.

I sell Rubik's Cubes and related twisty puzzles for a living. I co-founded this business in 2011 while I was studying at NYU. Our website is located at TheCubicle.com.

I can solve a Rubik's Cube in about 30 seconds.

I'm working on a few side projects.

I'm an angel investor.

I eat mostly canned foods.

I live in a 99-square-foot SRO.

Created: Sat Apr 06 2024 (Updated Sun Apr 07 2024)